
Interested in the ARTSwork?
1. Watch this promotion video: ARTSwork Video
2. Check out this slideshow presentation: ARTSwork Presentation
3. Check out this informational brochure: ARTSwork Brochure
About ARTSwork
The ARTSwork Academy is designed for students who want the opportunity to explore in depth their interest in visual arts, dance, music, theater or an integration of the visual and performing arts. This Academy will provide students with a broad based knowledge for many careers: graphic design, publicity, media (TV, radio, movies), music, dancing, teaching and drama (producing, directing, script writing). Academy Students are required to earn a minimum or 70 credits in the visual and performing arts and maintain a 2.5 GPA.
1. Watch this promotion video: ARTSwork Video
2. Check out this slideshow presentation: ARTSwork Presentation
3. Check out this informational brochure: ARTSwork Brochure
About ARTSwork
The ARTSwork Academy is designed for students who want the opportunity to explore in depth their interest in visual arts, dance, music, theater or an integration of the visual and performing arts. This Academy will provide students with a broad based knowledge for many careers: graphic design, publicity, media (TV, radio, movies), music, dancing, teaching and drama (producing, directing, script writing). Academy Students are required to earn a minimum or 70 credits in the visual and performing arts and maintain a 2.5 GPA.
Artswork Handbook: Student Handbook 2020-2021
AME Model Demonstration School Site:
Sheldon High School is a State of California Department of Education "AME Model Demonstration School Site" for the ARTS, MEDIA, and ENTERTAINMENT Industry Sector. For more information, check out this site:
AME Model Demonstration School Site:
Sheldon High School is a State of California Department of Education "AME Model Demonstration School Site" for the ARTS, MEDIA, and ENTERTAINMENT Industry Sector. For more information, check out this site:
The following Visual and Performing Arts courses are offered:
Dance 1
Dance 2*
Dance 3*
Dance Comp. & Perf. 1, 2, 3, 4 *@
Theatre 1
Theatre 2*C
Theatre 3*C
Drama Productions I & II
Children’s Theatre/Play Productions
Advanced Theatre*@
Advanced Children’s Theatre*@
Introduction to Professional Theatre@
Concert Band (intro)*
Symphonic Band (intermediate)*
Jazz Band (zero period)*
Guitar 2*
Concert Choir*
Treble Choir
Vocal Ensemble*@
String Orchestra
Music Appreciation*
AP Music Theory*
Visual Arts
Art 1
Art 2 *C
Art 3 *C
Honors Art*@
AP Studio Art (General 3D art) *@
AP Studio Art (Drawing) *@
Commercial Art *C
Intro to Animation
Intermediate Animation*
Animation 3*
Advanced Animation
Photo 1
Photo 2, 3, 4 *C
Ceramics 1
Ceramics 2, 3 *C
Ceramics 4 *@
* = Prerequisite exists
C = Prerequisite requires a “C” or better
@ = Requires audition or teacher approval
Dance 1
Dance 2*
Dance 3*
Dance Comp. & Perf. 1, 2, 3, 4 *@
Theatre 1
Theatre 2*C
Theatre 3*C
Drama Productions I & II
Children’s Theatre/Play Productions
Advanced Theatre*@
Advanced Children’s Theatre*@
Introduction to Professional Theatre@
Concert Band (intro)*
Symphonic Band (intermediate)*
Jazz Band (zero period)*
Guitar 2*
Concert Choir*
Treble Choir
Vocal Ensemble*@
String Orchestra
Music Appreciation*
AP Music Theory*
Visual Arts
Art 1
Art 2 *C
Art 3 *C
Honors Art*@
AP Studio Art (General 3D art) *@
AP Studio Art (Drawing) *@
Commercial Art *C
Intro to Animation
Intermediate Animation*
Animation 3*
Advanced Animation
Photo 1
Photo 2, 3, 4 *C
Ceramics 1
Ceramics 2, 3 *C
Ceramics 4 *@
* = Prerequisite exists
C = Prerequisite requires a “C” or better
@ = Requires audition or teacher approval