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2025-26 Course Selection Info

Hello Sheldon Huskies,


Counseling is here to remind you about Course Selection. Students will complete their Course Selection for the 2025-2026 school year during their PACK time class on Wednesday, January 8th, and January 15th, 2025. 


All students MUST bring a charged Chromebook to their PACK Time. Course Selection is a two-step process. During the PACK time on January 8th, students will work on completing their Course Selection Paper Form. During the PACK Time on January 15th, students will work on entering their course requests into StudentVue. 


Please see the grade level-specific Course Selection Form, an FAQ handout that includes a Math Sequence, and the Sheldon High School Course Catalog that you may use to review in preparation for PACK Time.


This is NOT your official Course Selection Form. All official Course Selection Forms will be provided during PACK Time on January 8th and collected at the end of PACK Time on January 15th. 


Any absent student, who did not finish, has questions about the online process, or would like to make changes to their form after January 15th must attend our Course Selection Make-Up Night on January 23rd in the Sheldon Cafeteria from 3:30-6:30 PM. 


Parents are welcome but are not required to attend the Course Selection Makeup Night. Any student who DOES NOT complete their Course Selection Form or enter their Course Requests into StudentVue by the January 27th deadline will be considered a "No Show" and their classes will be chosen for them. 


Sheldon High School Counseling Department